- 3-Easy-Steps
- Abogados de Multas de Tráfico de Nueva York
- ¿Por qué contratar a un abogado especializado en multas de tráfico en Nueva York puede proteger su estatus migratorio?
- Abogado de Multas de Tráfico en NYC
- Abogado especializado en casos de conducción en estado de ebriedad (DWI)
- Acerca de Rosenblum Law
- Conducción imprudente en New York
- El papel crucial de un abogado de multas de tráfico en la protección de su estatus migratorio en el estado de Nueva York
- Ley “Move Over” de New York - Artículo 1144-a(a) de la VTL de NY
- Multas de Tráfico de Licencias de Conducir Comerciales
- Multas por Exceso de Velocidad en el Estado de Nueva York
- Multas por uso del teléfono móvil y envío mensajes de texto en Nueva York
- Planes De Pago Flexibles
- Suspensión de la licencia de conducir en New York
- Abogados de New Jersey especializados en infracciones de tránsito
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- New Jersey Legal Matters
- New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyer
- Anatomy of a NJ Traffic Ticket
- Canadians With Traffic Tickets In New Jersey
- Careless Driving in New Jersey (NJSA 39:4-97)
- CDL Overweight Violations in New Jersey
- Civil Reservations and New Jersey Traffic Tickets
- Driving While Suspended In New Jersey
- Driving Without Insurance in New Jersey - N.J.S.A. 39:6B-2
- Eluding Charges in New Jersey
- Failing to Respond To Traffic Ticket in NJ
- Failure to Observe a Traffic Signal in NJ
- Failure to Stop for Pedestrians in a Crosswalk in NJ - 39:4-123
- Failure to Yield Ticket in New Jersey - 39:4-90 and 39:4-144
- Following Too Closely (Tailgating) in New Jersey (N.J.S.A. 39:4-89)
- How New Jersey Tickets Affect Uber and Lyft Drivers
- How to Change a Traffic Court Date in New Jersey
- Improper Passing of a School Bus in New Jersey (N.J.S.A. 39:4-128.1)
- Improper Turn Ticket in New Jersey - 39:4-123
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident in New Jersey (39:4-129 & 2C:12-1.1)
- New Jersey Affidavit of Hardship
- New Jersey Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Tickets
- NJ Traffic Tickets for Learner’s Permits and Probationary Licenses
- Racing on Highway in New Jersey (39:4-52 & 39:5C-1)
- Reckless Driving in New Jersey (N.J.S.A. 39:4-96)
- Speeding Tickets in New Jersey
- Traffic Tickets Resulting from an Auto Accident in New Jersey
- Unsafe Lane Change in NJ - 39:4-88
- What If I’m At Fault in an Accident With a Suspended License in New Jersey?
- New Jersey Traffic Ticket Lawyer
- New York
- Criminal Charges
- Canadians Caught With Marijuana at the Border
- Criminal Possession of a Forged Instrument in New York (N.Y. Penal Law 170.20 – 170.30)
- Driving with a Suspended Driver’s License in New York
- Drug Possession in New York
- DWI Lawyer in New York
- DUI & DWI Ticket Data
- DUI/DWI Field Sobriety Tests
- DWI in New York with a New Jersey License: What You Need to Know
- DWI in New York With an Out-of-State License
- First Time DUI in New York
- How to Get a DWI Dismissed in New York
- Ten Times Someone Fought a DWI in New York and Won
- The Consequences of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) in New York
- Underage DWI in New York
- What Happens if You Refuse a Breathalyzer in New York?
- New York Open Container Law - NYS VTL 1227-1
- Offering a False Instrument for Filing / Fraudulent Application for a Driver's License or Vehicle Registration (New York)
- Weapons Possession Crimes in New York (P.L 265.01 – 265.08)
- New York’s Point & Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP)
- Suspended New York Driver’s License
- Driving with Suspended/Revoked Vehicle Registration in NY (VTL 512)
- Driving Without Auto Insurance - VTL 319
- Failure to Appear In NY Traffic Court - VTL 226(3)
- Failure to File Accident Report
- Failure To Pay Child Support in New York
- Fault in a Fatal Car Accident
- How to Reinstate a Suspended License in New York
- How to Tell if Your License Has Been Suspended
- If My License Is Suspended in New York, Can I Drive in Another State?
- Revoked Licenses For Repeat Alcohol And Drug Related Offenses
- Three Speeding Tickets or Two Work Zone Speeding Tickets in 18 Months
- Violating a Court Judgment
- What Happens if My License Gets Suspended in Another State?
- What If I’m At Fault in an Accident With a Suspended License in New York?
- Traffic Tickets
- Blocking The Box
- CDL Traffic Tickets in New York
- CDL Holder’s Guide to FMCSA’s Driver Safety Measure System (DSMS)
- CDL Logbook Violations in New York
- CDL Overweight Violations in New York
- CDL Suspensions and Disqualifications
- CDL: Failure to Stop at Weigh Station Tickets in New York State
- NY Traffic Tickets and CSA Scores
- Operating a Commercial Vehicle Without a Valid CDL in New York
- Cell Phone Tickets in New York
- Child Seat Tickets in NY - VTL 1229-c
- Disobeying a Traffic Control Device in New York
- Driving on the Shoulder in New York | VTL 1131
- Driving With an Expired License in New York
- Driving Without a License in New York
- Driving Without Registration in New York
- E-ZPass Tickets
- Failing to Stop for a School Bus | VTL 1174(a)
- Failure to Notify DMV of Address Change in 10 Days
- Failure to Respond to a Ticket / Failure to Pay a Ticket in NY
- Failure to Signal in New York – VTL 1163(a) and 1163(b)
- Failure to Use Due Care - VTL § 1146
- Failure to Yield Right of Way to an Emergency Vehicle in New York – VTL 1144 (a)
- Failure to Yield Tickets in New York (VTL 1140 – 1146-a)
- Fleeing From a Police Officer in New York
- Following Too Closely (Tailgating) Tickets in New York - VTL 1129(a)
- Improper Passing Tickets in New York – VTL 1121 - 1124
- Improper Turn Tickets in New York – VTL 1160(a) – 1160(e)
- Junior License Traffic Tickets in New York State
- Leaving the Scene of an Accident in NY
- Move Over Law in New York - VTL 1144-a(a)
- New York Obstructed View or Control Ticket (VTL 1213)
- New York Speeding & Traffic Tickets - Out Of State License
- Alabama Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Alaska Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Arizona Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Arkansas Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- California Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Colorado Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Connecticut Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Delaware Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Florida Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Foreign Driver’s Licenses in NY - Traffic Tickets & Other Info
- Georgia Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Hawaii Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Idaho Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Illinois Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Indiana Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Iowa Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Kansas Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Kentucky Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Les conducteurs Ontariens et Québécois vs les contraventions de la route dans l’état de New York
- Louisiana Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Maine Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Maryland Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Massachusetts Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Michigan Drivers With New York Traffic Tickets
- Minnesota Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Mississippi Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Missouri Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Montana Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Nebraska Drivers With New York Traffic Tickets
- Nevada Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- New Hampshire Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- New Jersey Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- New Mexico Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- North Carolina Drivers with NY Tickets
- North Dakota Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Ohio Driver With a Traffic Ticket in New York
- Oklahoma Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Ontario & Quebec Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Oregon Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Pennsylvania Drivers with NY Tickets
- Rhode Island Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- South Carolina Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- South Dakota Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Tennessee Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Texas Drivers With New York Traffic Tickets
- The Driver’s License Compact
- Utah Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Vermont Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Virginia Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Washington D.C. Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- Washington Drivers with New York Traffic Tickets
- West Virginia Drivers With New York Traffic Tickets
- What a New York Traffic Ticket Means to Wisconsin Drivers
- What a New York Traffic Ticket Means to Wyoming Drivers
- New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law
- One-Way Roadways | VTL 1127
- Reckless Driving in New York
- Running a Red Light in New York | VTL 1110a & VTL 1111(d)-1
- Seat Belt Tickets New York - VTL 1229
- Speeding Tickets in New York State
- How Speeding Tickets Affect Uber Drivers in NY
- Methods of Speed Measurement in Traffic Ticket Cases
- New York Speeding Ticket Data
- Speed Not Reasonable and Prudent Tickets in New York State - VTL 1180(a)
- Speeding in a Construction Zone: VTL 1180-F
- Speeding in a School Zone in New York - VTL 1180-(c)
- Speeding Ticket Frequently Asked Questions
- Ten Winning Arguments to Use in Fighting a New York Speeding Ticket
- Unauthorized Speed Contest (Racing) Tickets in NY
- Stop Sign Ticket in NY - VTL 1172
- Texting While Driving in New York
- The Cost of Hiring a NY Traffic Ticket Attorney
- TLC Drivers and NYC Traffic Tickets
- Traffic Ticket Points in New York
- Traffic Tickets Resulting from an Auto Accident NY
- Unsafe Lane Change - VTL 1128(a)
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- Top 20 Traffic Ticket Locations in NY
- Traffic Ticket & Car Accident Data
- Albany County, NY
- Allegany, County
- April Is a Slow Month for NY Auto Accidents—But it Won’t Last
- Bronx, County
- Brooklyn & Manhattan Worst Place to Use Cell Phones While Driving
- Broome, County
- Cattaraugus, County
- Cayuga, County
- Cell Phone and Texting Tickets Plummeted Last Year, But Accidents Did Not
- Chautauqua, County
- Chemung, County
- Chenango, County
- Clinton, County
- Columbia, County
- Cortland, County
- Delaware, County
- Despite Efforts, Accidents from Cell Phone Use up 86% in NY
- Do Work Zone Speeding Tickets Affect Work Zone Accidents?
- Erie County New York
- Erie, County
- Essex, County
- Fatal Auto Accidents Rise in New York Despite Decline in Traffic
- Franklin, County
- Fulton, County
- Genesee, County
- Greene, County
- Hamilton, County
- Herkimer, County
- How to Avoid a NY Speeding Ticket According to the Data
- Huge Increase in NY Texting Tickets Issued to Women
- Jefferson, County
- Kings, County
- Large Commercial Truck Accidents in NYS Spiked 11% in 2017
- Lewis, County
- LI Drivers Get Some of the Most Traffic Tickets in NYS
- Livingston County
- Madison County
- Monroe, County
- Montgomery, County
- Nassau, County
- New Data Shows Drivers Get a Better Deal at Rochester TVA (And Other Trends)
- New York Impaired Driving Falls Again in 2018
- New York Impaired Driving Rate Falls in 2017
- New York State Traffic Tickets Per Capita (2017)
- New York, County
- Niagara, County
- NY Motorcycle Accidents at Lowest Levels in 9 Years
- Oneida, County
- Onondaga, County
- Orange, County
- Orleans, County
- Oswego, County
- Otsego, County
- Putnam, County
- Queens, County
- Related Studies
- Rensselaer, County
- Richmond, County
- Rockland, County
- Saratoga, County
- Schenectady, County
- Schoharie, County
- Schuyler, County
- Seneca, County
- Serious Speeding Tickets Up 70% Last Year
- St. Lawrence, County
- Steuben, County
- Study: States with the Highest CDL Speeding Fines
- Study: States with the Strictest Texting While Driving Laws
- Suffolk, County
- Sullivan County
- Tioga, County
- Tompkins, County
- Ulster, County
- Warren, County
- Washington, County
- Wayne, County
- Westchester, County
- Where Are the Worst Drivers in New York State?
- Where Do Canadian Drivers Get the Most NYS Traffic Tickets?
- Where Do NY Drivers Get the Most Cell Phone and Texting Tickets?
- Where Were Most Traffic Tickets Issued in New York Last Year?
- Where Women Get the Most Speeding Tickets in New York State
- Which Law Enforcement Agencies Issue the Most Tickets in NY?
- Wyoming, County
- Yates, County
- Younger NY Drivers Get Fewer Tickets for Texting than Speeding
- Traffic Tickets Received in NYC
- CDL Truck Route Tickets in NYC
- Guide to Fighting A NYC Cell Phone Ticket
- How to Plead Not Guilty to a NYC Traffic Ticket
- NYC Bus Lane Tickets
- NYC Client Reviews
- Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Bronx, NY
- Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Brooklyn, NY
- Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Queens, NY
- Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Staten Island, NY
- Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB)
- What is The Affidavit In Lieu Of Appearance Form?
- Why It's Bad to Represent Yourself in NYC Traffic Court
- Traffic Tickets.com Pro Plans
- Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) Offices
- Trooper Sam's Page
- Video testimonals
- Videos
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Last updated
March 20, 2024
News & Updates
Learn more about traffic tickets and criminal matters in New York and New Jersey.
When I Let a Driver Off With a Warning and Why
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Every driver who gets pulled over hopes to avoid getting a traffic ticket. As police officers, we understand there is...
NY DWI Crackdown in Effect Through Labor Day Weekend
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Drivers looking to kick back and enjoy some beers this Labor Day weekend should be careful before getting behind the...
What NOT to Do When Pulled Over by Police
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Nearly everyone is pulled over by police at some point in their life. The flashing red-and-blue lights are hardwired into...
We've Fought Over 50,000 Traffic Ticket Cases
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