As the summer wanes, many New Yorkers use the weekends leading up to Labor Day to cut loose. Knowing this,...
In the past few years, the number of bicyclists on the streets of New York—especially NYC—has increased dramatically. Motor vehicle...
TV and movies love to show cops going on wild, high-speed chases. It makes for great action scenes. And let’s...
When it comes to accidents involving vehicles striking pedestrians, things are very different now than they were 20 years ago....
When I started my career in law enforcement in the early 1990s, cell phones were just beginning to get smaller...
Everyone who takes a basic driver’s education course is taught that, in the event of an accident, both drivers should...
Now that any adult in New York can legally possess and smoke marijuana, there’s likely to be an uptick in...
"PBA” stands for the Police Benevolent Association, and nearly every police officer in the United States is a member. Friends...
Motorists share the road with motorcyclists and truck drivers, and either of these can make traditional car drivers nervous. Driving...
Every driver who gets pulled over hopes to avoid getting a traffic ticket. As police officers, we understand there is...