
Our attorneys love working with journalists to share compelling and unique stories. We are very responsive and typically are available for an interview or comment on the same day as the request. If you are a member of the media and would like to speak with us, please send an email to Elie Orgel, our Marketing Director, who will coordinate –

About Rosenblum Law &

Rosenblum Law is the largest and highest customer-rated traffic violations law firm in both NY & NJ. With experienced traffic violations and criminal defense attorneys, the firm has a reputation for aggressive representation for anyone facing criminal charges or traffic violations that can result in fines, points, license suspension, or jail time. With a success rate of well over 90%, Rosenblum Law has helped thousands of clients get excellent results regardless of how simple or complicated the case. They strive to ensure that every client receives the best possible service and results. Beyond the courtroom, the staff and attorneys of Rosenblum Law also go to great lengths to give back to the community and support those in need.

Traffic Ticket & Car Accident Data compiles traffic ticket and car accident data from the NY state DMV and parses it to make it more digestible and visually appealing. Data and charts can be viewed on a county by county basis or by violation.  The data is updated yearly, as it is made publicly available (typically at the end of August). 

The data hub can be accessed here.


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